Problem Statement:  
In this assignment you will be creating a class named Employee.

Employee class has the following data members:
  • Employee ID.
  • Employee Name
  • Department
  • Employee Salary
  • Static data member which will hold the value of total no. of employees

Employee class must have the following member functions:

Default constructor for Employee class, which will set employee id  to 0, employee name to NULL, employee department to NULL and salary to 0.0
Employee(int, char *, char *, float);
It will take employee id, employee name, department and salary as arguments and initialize their values using member initializer list
Employee(Employee &); 
Copy constructor which will initialize one object with another object using deep copy
Setter functions
You have to define setter function for each data member which will take a value as an argument and set their values
Getter functions
You have to define getter function for each data member which will return the values of their data members
This function will calculate the net pay of an employee based on his salary
This function will display the values of all data members of class
Destructor of Employee class which will decrement the value of static data member of class

calcNetPay():  This function will calculate net pay of an employee based on his salary as:
If salary is less than and equal to 10,000 then tax is 0.
If salary is greater than 10,000 and less than equal to 20,000 then tax is 5%.
If salary is greater than 20,000 and less than equal to 30,000 then tax is 7%.
The tax on the salary greater than 30,000 is 10%.
Note: On creation of each object, the value of static data member should be incremented.

Within main() function, create an array of 5 objects of class Employee. Second object should be initialized with the first object.

Now, use for loop to call calcNetPay() and display() functions for each object.

You can create objects as follow:
Employee emp1(5, "Ahmad", "Accounts", 20000 );
Employee emp2(emp1) ;
Employee emp3(10, "Ayesha", "Accounts", 25000);
Employee emp4(3, "Hassan", "Administration", 10000);
Employee emp5(6,  "Arsalan", "Administration", 35000);

Sample output of the program:


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Monday, June 8, 2015

cs304 assignment 2 solution

Problem Statement:  
In this assignment you will be creating a class named Employee.

Employee class has the following data members:
  • Employee ID.
  • Employee Name
  • Department
  • Employee Salary
  • Static data member which will hold the value of total no. of employees

Employee class must have the following member functions:

Default constructor for Employee class, which will set employee id  to 0, employee name to NULL, employee department to NULL and salary to 0.0
Employee(int, char *, char *, float);
It will take employee id, employee name, department and salary as arguments and initialize their values using member initializer list
Employee(Employee &); 
Copy constructor which will initialize one object with another object using deep copy
Setter functions
You have to define setter function for each data member which will take a value as an argument and set their values
Getter functions
You have to define getter function for each data member which will return the values of their data members
This function will calculate the net pay of an employee based on his salary
This function will display the values of all data members of class
Destructor of Employee class which will decrement the value of static data member of class

calcNetPay():  This function will calculate net pay of an employee based on his salary as:
If salary is less than and equal to 10,000 then tax is 0.
If salary is greater than 10,000 and less than equal to 20,000 then tax is 5%.
If salary is greater than 20,000 and less than equal to 30,000 then tax is 7%.
The tax on the salary greater than 30,000 is 10%.
Note: On creation of each object, the value of static data member should be incremented.

Within main() function, create an array of 5 objects of class Employee. Second object should be initialized with the first object.

Now, use for loop to call calcNetPay() and display() functions for each object.

You can create objects as follow:
Employee emp1(5, "Ahmad", "Accounts", 20000 );
Employee emp2(emp1) ;
Employee emp3(10, "Ayesha", "Accounts", 25000);
Employee emp4(3, "Hassan", "Administration", 10000);
Employee emp5(6,  "Arsalan", "Administration", 35000);

Sample output of the program:


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